Control coatings comply with federal, state and local building and
fire code requirements. They retard flame spread and penetration
of heat through their intumescent-sublimative-ablative and synergistic
flame suppressing action. On contact with flame or excessive heat,
Flame Control Intumescent Fire Retardant Coatings decompose and
puff up (intumesce) forming a thick, dense, spongy foam layer that
checks flame spread and retards heat penetration.
Crystal clear varnishes, also white, black and a wide selection
of colors. Finishes available in Flat, Low, Semi and Hi-gloss sheens.
The Protection Of:
Roof Decks, Acoustical Ceiling Tile, Cellar Ceilings, Wooden Wainscoting
in Stairways and Hallways, Walls, Doors, Plywood and Wall Board
Partitions, Structural Steel Members, Cedar Shakes and Shingles,
Railway Ties and Trestles, Piers, Electrical and Communication Cables,
Mass Transit People Movers, Aircraft Engine Firewalls, Ship Bulkheads,
and other surfaces requiring fire protection.
Schools, Colleges, Nursing and Old Age Homes, Child Care Centers,
Hospitals, Penal Institutions, Apartments, Hotels, Factories, Warehouses,
Retail Stores, Restaurants, Utilities, Railroad and other Transportation
Companies, Oil and Chemical Installations, Military Installations.
All surfaces where it is either necessary or desirous to reduce
the surface burning characteristics of combustible materials and/or
to retard the penetration of heat.