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RGB Color:

This is color based upon light. Your computer monitor and television use RGB. The name "RGB" stands for Red, Green, Blue, which are the 3 primaries (with green replacing yellow). By combining these 3 colors, any other color can be produced. This color method is only used with light sources; it does not apply to printing. Web related graphics however can be saved in RGB.

CMYK Color:

This is the color method based upon pigments. "CMYK" stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (it's what the K stands for). Using these 4 colors, most other colors can be achieved. This is the method used by printers the world over. When a job is printed in "Full Color" it is printed using CMYK inks.


Pantone (PMS) Color:

This is yet another printing color method. PMS stands for "Pantone Matching System," and is a large list of specially mixed colors made by the Pantone Corporation. Instead of using CMYK to create colors, the pigments are created individually for purity. For example, if I wanted to use a Red-Violet color, I'd pick PMS 233M. The color would be made exclusively for my project and would always print exactly how I want. They can be useful for projects with few colors or printed along with CMYK.




Screen Printing Tips

Bitmap vs. Vector Graphics

How to WinZip Files

Common Graphic File Formats

Types of Color

Symbolism of Colors

Design Elements



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